Oriental Hawaii in addition to formaldehyde

Oriental Hawaii in addition to formaldehyde

Product Details

Oriental Hawaiian customers, the need to finish the preparation to move, found that indoor paint tastes relatively large, so buy a lot of green plants and fruit peels into the furniture to deodorize. Then found that basically no effect, so on September 28, 2017, telephone consultation with our company's engineers, our company sent Qingyun Sunshine Environmental Protection Technology Air Net project team on-site inspection, found that the problem is very serious, and pointed out to customers the source of pollution, a large number The white paint portion of the furniture, the exposed portion of the dark side of the furniture back, the exposed surface of the unpainted plywood at the bottom of the drawer, and the MDF sound-absorbing panel portion inside the soft pack of the underground audio-visual room. After the customer understands the decision on the spot, the project team's construction personnel sprayed the decoration and decoration of the paint and the composite catalyst factor. Because the taste is too big, the customer is eager to see the effect, repeating the spraying twice, and a large number of exposed parts at the bottom of the drawer are brushed. Apply our aldehyde removal experts. The wallpaper is sprayed with a layer of composite catalyst factor. In the underground audio-visual room, the soft package finish was sprayed with the aldehyde-removing expert and water 1:1 ratio. Due to the large workload, the construction lasted for two days. It is recommended that after 3 days of ventilation, the customer will clean the surface of the furniture. After 7 days, the customer will ask the third-party CMA testing agency to conduct the test. All the indicators are within the qualified range of China. The customer is eager to give us feedback before the check-in, the paint taste is basically gone, and we are very satisfied with the treatment effect and highly praised. The company is a professional manufacturer of formaldehyde in addition to formaldehyde in Beijing . You are welcome to inquire.
