OCT in addition to formaldehyde

OCT in addition to formaldehyde

Product Details

OCT customers have their own environmental awareness. In the process of decoration in their own homes, they consulted our company about indoor air pollution. Our company gave reasonable suggestions on decoration materials selection and paint selection. In order to truly reduce indoor pollution to a lower level, the customer still purchased our overall home improvement treatment package. On June 16, 2017 , our company sent Qingyun Sunshine Environmental Protection Technology Air Net Project Team to the site for treatment, our construction workers First, the ozone machine is used to release ozone to oxidize a part of the pollutants. Then, the paint furniture part is sprayed with the decoration net taste treasure and the composite catalyst factor respectively, with an interval of 1 hour, and the composite wallpaper factor is used for the wall wallpaper. Spraying, the dark exposed surface of the panel furniture is brushed or syringe-injected with aldehyde experts , the underground audio-visual room carpet is sprayed with a carpet-specific deodorant, and the soft-pack finish is sprayed with an aldehyde-removing expert and water 1:1 ratio. . After the treatment, the customer is very satisfied with the indoor air quality, and the third-party CMA testing agency after the appointment is tested. The indicators of the test results are far lower than the Chinese standard, and the average value of formaldehyde is about 0.05mg/m3. The company's professional Beijing formaldehyde treatment services, if necessary, please contact us.
