Shuguang Kindergarten in addition to formaldehyde

Shuguang Kindergarten in addition to formaldehyde

Product Details

Kindergarten customer, Tianjin Shuguang Kindergarten, will be accepted after the renovation, call our company to inform the odor is relatively large, hope to be able to comprehensively manage, let the indicators fully meet the standard, Qingyun Sunshine Environmental Protection Technology Air Net Project Team in Yu 2018 Arrived at the scene on July 30th, after extensive investigation by engineers, it was found that the decoration problem of the kindergarten was relatively large. The odor of the ground floor rubber and the top pipe painting site was relatively large. The furniture plates had some exposed parts and the wall sound-absorbing panels were seriously released by formaldehyde. The situation is too big. Our corporate governance engineers carry out comprehensive management from top to bottom and from inside to outside. For the top paint part, the decoration is clean and taste. For the delivery part, first spray the TVOC remover, then use the decoration net taste treasure plus hydrogen peroxide. Spraying, with an interval of 1 hour, spray the decoration of the scented treasure and composite catalyst factor for the panel furniture, brush the aldehyde removal expert for the exposed parts, and use the spray gun to spray the aldehyde specialist in the pores of the wall. The composite catalyst factor is sprayed to achieve the purpose of controlling pollutants from the root source. After 7 days of governance, it was tested by an authoritative third-party testing agency. All kinds of pollutants have reached the Chinese standard. The customer is very satisfied with the treatment effect. Kindergarten children can enter the park with peace of mind. We have a wealth of experience in addition to formaldehyde, Beijing's experience in addition to formaldehyde , 诚信 project, integrity and reliability.
